Let's think together for a better planet! A call for participation by Climate of Change
To read this news in French, Italian, Russian, Serbian and Arabic click here The current unprecedented health crisis leads us to reflect on our model of society, our relationship with humans and with the planet. Within the framework of the "Climate of Change" project, funded by the European Commission, Alda supports the creation of a series of debates in France and Belgium starting from January 2021 , with the aim to allow young people to express themselves and to engage in concrete actions related to international issues such as climate change and its direct impact on life on Earth. A call for participation is therefore being launched to raise the voice of young people and make it weigh in public discourse . These debates, in person or online, will be an opportunity to promote exchanges between young people from France and Belgium, but also an occasion to meet hundreds of other young people during a national final in May-June 2021 and a European final in November