A word from our President and Secretary General

"Dear members and friends,
in this moment of health emergency due to the spread of COVID-19 virus that impacted several countries and amongst them, severely Italy, we want to send a message of solidarity and appeal to the resilience of all communities to face such a circumstance with strength, hope, solidarity and collaboration.

Being involved in civic engagement at the local level for 20 years, ALDA is particularly implicated and concerned by the forced isolation of entire communities and alteration or suspension of daily-life public activities.

Prevention. In compliance with ministerial regulations, all the staff of ALDA, especially our colleagues in Vicenza (Italy) is active and operative, carrying on projects and all other activities as much as possible. We surely won't travel and won't ask anyone to come to Italy, notably to Lombardy, Veneto and Emilia-Romagna which are the regions in which the virus has mostly spread until now.

Resilience. We look forward for this situation to be just a memory from the past. Meanwhile, let's not be victim of panic, psychosis and fear. Working together to support our community, and spread messages of hope and solidarity in our daily life is fundamental to keep on living peacefully.

Connection. The biggest danger? Isolation. As never before, we need to stay connected, share information and express solidarity with those suffering the most the consequences the spread of the virus. 

Here we are. At ALDA we decided to create this blog as a space to start conversations, describe what you are living and, why not, drop ideas on how ALDA can contribute to help your community right now!

Let's make this blog the beautiful outcome of a difficult moment.

Looking forward to read your comments and posts! "
Oriano Otocan & Antonella Valmorbida


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