"Remotely together". All details about a crucial ALDA Governing Board meeting assessing ALDA's reaction to Coronavirus

As ALDA’s projects and activities are “remotely” proceeding, in the same way the Governing Board of ALDA keeps regularly holding its meetings.

Within this framework, on Tuesday, March 31st our President Oriano Otocan, our Secretary General Antonella Valmorbida and all Governing Board members gathered online to discuss about some crucial themes.

The approved agenda for session foresaw as first topic of discussion an update of the situation linked to the Covid-19 emergency: the global and European scenarios, a focus on how ALDA is acting and reacting to this condition and an analysis of possible perspectives for the future of the organisation. Undoubtedly, the debate was highly participated and all members agreed upon the need of drafting an official ALDA’s statement in response to the current political and social crisis. 

A Europe in solidarity must be “a community of communities”: this is the frontline of the statement, available both in English and Italian, in which ALDA reiterates the urgent need of a common response to the health crisis hitting all European countries, with social and economic implicartions affecting the lives of its citizens as a whole.

Another important subject of discussion was the reorganisation of the General Assembly of ALDA, happening in parallel with the FestivALDA and the celebration of our 20th Anniversary. Hopeful that the current crisis will be over by the summer, new dates have been fixed for ALDA’s main event of the year, on 21 -22- 23 September 2020, confirming Pula (Croatia) as the chosen location.

The Governing Board came to an end with a debate upon a new initiative brought up by our Fundraising department, concerning the support to specific fundraising campaigns as a response to the Covid-19 emergency. The proposal, which met the approval of the Board, it is now going through a revision process, and all its details will be soon released. 

This was all for this ALDA Governing Board session, hopeful to meeting soon each other in person again!


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